Saturday, July 08, 2006

Reaping what she sews

After many classes, Lois has been frustrated with sewing, as a general rule. Diane and she have been working together, and finally, Lois has finished a project -- as she has many incompletes. Her quilt, 2.4' x 2' is American-Patriotic, a centerpiece for a dining table.

Last night she finished patching up the holes that were sewing misses or perhaps missus (marriage to the process of sewing). With this taste of victory, it seems likely that Lois will combat the projects, finding victory within weeks.

Thomas has plans to paint hallways, ceilings, and living room -- with the free-labor of Marcus. This is two-fold in that is has been a bugger of a long time since it was done, and Thomas and Lois hope to move, I believe, within around two years to a smaller house with utilitarian features, such as bathroom handles, laundry on main floor and fewer, if any, steops. Moving ... and packing -- that will be "fun". There are piles and piles here that will take weeks in themselves to sort.

Marcus' friends put a bid on a house and hope to get it. It would seem that it is within the area of Thomas, Lois and Marcus -- at present. They are going to see their first year anniversay soon. What a way to celebrate -- in a new house, right? They are soon to fill it with their things and new things to be acquired.

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