Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bumps in the night

Yesterday, much of Indiana got rain. Thankfully here, though light, it was continual. It was good for plants and crops, but not if you needed to do something outside.

I saw a bird pop out of nowhere. It hopped away from me, then shelted itself under a bush. It eluded my attempts at photographing it. Anyway, during a break from the rain, I stepped out to find it again. It had kept in the same area, but left the bush. ++ bird in the hand, worth two ...

I was hoping to relocate the bird to safer quarters, but it fled from me. I was reminded of the phrase, trying to catch a chicken ... not an easy feat. Small birds are more delicate, so in favor of not hurting it, I stopped trying to "help" it. In my adventures of chasing it, four adult robins were trying desperately to indimidate me, noise -- within 10' of me, to no avail. Later, they still seemed peeved. I thought that birds were supposed to have short memories. Likely my car is "whiter" now.

Mother had a wicked night with aches and pains. She didn't sleep much and I found her on the downstairs floor, still in pain and misery. To bed she went, hopefully to feel better. I don't expect to see her until the afternoon, poor woman. Father will spend today pacing like a hungry caged animal, unable to help her, so in stress cage he'll exist. I have grown accustomed to this stress coaster and am a little better equipped to deal with it.

Last night was another night of neighobor noise, but milder -- loudest things were stereos. Still, stress kept me wriggling like a worm on a hook. My sleep was faulty and my stress isn't any better. I have been a light sleeper for a long while. I try to sleep lightly also due to 6 years ago, the neighborhood had a series of 6-9 house invasions, break-ins, robberies. Once, thankfully no one was hurt, a robber was in the house during children's sleepover. I don't think that you would recover quickly to feel safe then.

Since then, I have slept lightly. With four phones available (2 cell) there is little chance of phone line severing to prevent cops being called. I would like to brazenly attack and brutalize anyone would endanger the family, but my first goal should, and hopefully would be to call the cops and let all persons in the house know that police have been called.

A few neighbors have dogs, but they are friendly enough, a robber might make the gamble. One neighbor has a high-pitched-voiced dog that whines like a siren to be pet. While not an attack dog, this certainly would wake you.

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