Monday, July 17, 2006


or not.  Diane came over last night to work with Lois a bit on sewing.  I left, so I'm not sure on how that went, nor for how long.  I went to the festival, paid too much for parking, had a long walk, long wait, stink of cigarettes, and a lackluster 20 minute fireworks display.
Today Lois is awake, alive, maybe not kicking, but has things to do.  Jessica is supposed to mow the grass, but it is car-hood frying day.  It's hot and humid enough to cook meat in foil -- in minutes.  I hope that Jessica doesn't come at the hottest time and poison herself with sun and heat and wipe out for a day.
Father's littel adventure was finding wasps and directing Marcus to kill them.  I don't worry much, but when they make house in your house (or siding) I chose killing or relocating.  The are tenascious little bug(gers) finding anyplace to say for a bit.  I have yet to have a convenient time to show Jessica which bees you can pet.
Last year I showed her that some bees, especially when well fed, you can pet, though interupting their feeding by picking them away from food, is welll, not good.  You can pet them while they are feeding.  I rather enjoy it -- communing with nature.  They are the cows of the pollenators world.
Father will host poker next week.  They usually have 8 players, but they have now ... a potential for nine, which makes dealing with one deck difficul to complete many of the poker variations they like.

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