Sunday, July 23, 2006

earning badges

Thomas earns a new badge or rank. The tricky chipmunk that has eluded Marcus for so long, has been caught. After a quick incarceration, the chipmunk was deported to another region, far, far away. A spokesperson for the chipmunk remarked the the chipmunk, having illegally obtained a large cache of seed and food would have to start over, in a more competitive area with other chipmunks and similarly ranking mammals.

Lois is still sore and resting more. Father took over food to the church food bank/pantry and was an usher again and head counter. I suppose that's better than a bean counter, in some respects.

On Tuesday, Father will host poker, and so there is going to be a mad dash to put this away, that away ... and prep for mass consumption which may or may not happen. At times, the poker guys eat like Ethiopians on their vaction in America, other times sparingly. Who knows what will happen. With the potential for players, it might be baseball -- ninth inning with nine players.

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