Sunday, July 30, 2006

Board stiff

Lois is still having back pains, intermittant as to degree. Thomas decided, blast it "I'll firm up that mattress with wood" and so he and Marcus went to Lowes and got a 5/8" thick piece, cut had it cut once and placed the proverbial pea under the mattress. Father claimed that it did firm up the mattress a little, but the mattress is already firm.
Much to Lois' disappointment -- I caught this, a photo of her lurking about. She later had long, nice conversations with daughters Beth and Debbie at different times. This summer, she's putting away sweaters. She got them out for a particular restaurant that is typically colder than the Arctic circle, but this time -- not. Jessica was with Lois, Thomas and Marcus at the time.

Returning to a greater level of normalcy, Lois was up for more hours today either dealing with the pain or experiencing less of it. It was a great relief to see her moving and existing. Father too, was more at ease, as her bed rests sit poorly on his heart and mind.

This afternoon, they spent some time watching super-exciting ... golf. Yeah! Didn't I title this bored stiff, well it rhymes anyway.

Marcus has spent now years at the computer reading help useless ads and creating accounts with six some companies apart from the recruiting companies for which he already has accounts. I think now I remember teaching two half-days kindergarten, in teaching virtually the same thing twice. Each day different, each child different, yet sometimes reading a very long-winded tale as prescribed by the lesson, boring the snot out of the kids and you, despite my Robin Williams like attempt to liven the puppy.

I think that the math textbooks were animated next to reading job postings. My word! Also, the jobs often boast poor pay, lots of travel and "duties include, but aren't limited to ..." Marcus, in no uncertain words, has said he hates it.

Entertaining themselves last night, Thomas and Lois watched British comedies on the local PBS. They didn't favor Monty Python's Flying Circus, but liked the "older generation" comedies. Some should just be thrown onto TV Land, gaining yet another earnest viewship.

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