Monday, June 05, 2006

Not big, but new

Thomas and Lois bought a new DVD player from Best Buy, as their old one was iffy. They had to, at times, tap it or slay it to get it to spin. The new DVD player had a remote smaller than a cellphone. The buttons, therefore, were close and small so that most persons using it would press at least two buttons. They never even tried it, for there was little point.

Thomas and Marcus were working on a flower bed in the front yard which was surround by old rocks. The rocks were removed and replaced with pre-fab stone fence pieces – 4-6” high x 16” wide (pictures in a later post) in a rectangle shape. Grass had consumed the area, all but a few plants were choked off by Indiana grass. Thomas and Lois went out today to find new flowers – Marcus will be responsible for planting the new acquisitions.

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