Saturday, June 23, 2007


Well, since Thomas won't type about the adventure in Greekfest -- I'll type what I know. It was a short trip there for Greekfest for Lois and Thomas. They took a guest, namely Joe. I understand that he decided to stay down there. Lois and Thomas brought back with them a sample of desserts. Marcus tried bread, a sweet bread, and baklava. Each of them were just fine.

Thomas and Lois are heading to a friend's house tomorrow for his "old guy" birthday party. Meanwhile, Marcus works yet again ... and again. I did something else for work today, I hope that I can cash it in for political collateral or gain. I surmise that it's "nice guy" thing that amounts to bup -

kis. (a whole lot of nothing in between)

Struggling with work there are those who seek to vamoose. I bid them well and good luck, for many of them are the dead horse. Despite the amount of whipping --- the horse does not move on its own volition. They are overworked, which leads to feelings of being underpaid. I can certainly see how that comes about. Now ... I don't know salaries and don't want to know.

I said that I would put together a proposal, which is really a rebuttle to a conversation I didn't hear. Suffice to write, I will contend that a person has a right to a expanded cap on salary, regardless of the certain no, and understandable concern from the management on the salary cap.

I will not sign it, but rather allow that person to consider it as potential for negotiating purposes.

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