Saturday, August 19, 2006

It's plastic, it's rectangle, it's filled with sand

and poop. This week is viewed in litter box.

Tuesday: rotten, really nothing more to say on it, other than plain rot. Father had a chance to play golf and poker.
Wednesday: slightly better, but Father didn't golf
Thursday, almost as rotten as Tuesday.
Friday: Thomas, Lois and Marcus went into hospital for Lois' pre-admission testing. Lois claimed it was to be 30 minutes, but that was far off. It lasted nearly 4 hours. She learned some, as did Thomas and Marcus. In leui of lunch that they missed they caught some 4:30 dinner.
Saturday: Sluggish. Father and I went to look at convalescent care items and bought a couple of things. Two salespersons were at the one store. One wanted to sell everything, the other was less pushy.

Father and Marcus replaced a toilet seat which took herculean efforts, six tools and 40 minutes. The old metal bolts were rusted and the plastic nuts didn't move. After making no headway with the dremel, Marcus hacked away slowly with a sawblade, 4 sheets of paper thick.

We finished today with Lois' back hurting again. This week bit me already, otherwise I would have invited it to do so.

Also, we found out that an old friend, Betty, was in hospital for other checking when she had a grand mal seizure. I know little else. Her daughter is due to come down tonight or tomorrow. Betty was worried about getting old and having to be in a nursing home ... this might eliminate choices.
Marcus still hasn't found a job. He will now be fighting with MetLife to process his paperwork that they have had for three-five weeks, to give him some of HIS money. He's none-too happy. The Tums corporation has opened a new branch due to increased sales, in a related story.

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