Sunday, August 13, 2006

Goodnight sweetheart, well, it's time to go.

No monuments this week. No grand vacations or leaps. There was one giant leap for Jenny-kind Saturday in that she left for freshman year at Purdue. This week only (sounding like an ad) is strictly freshman orientation. Jenny and Jessica haven't been truly apart from each other in a a long, long time, though wtih Jenny having a steady (serious) boyfriend, Gary, the sisters have spent less time together. This will be a hard separation for both.
I'm not too worried for Jenny, she'll either stick with her core (Vetrinary Science) or pursue something else. Schoolwork wasn't a terrible problem for her.

The Freygangs borrowed Thomas' van. Father and I went to prepare it for the move -- yank seats, vaccuum and wash. The vaccuuming was long-since needed, but it looked better quickly. The auto wash did an okay job, but father and I noticed not one bubble of soap during the wash, leaving us with skepticism. Jenny wasn't packed well for the trip and her room looked like either:
A: earthquake focussed on her room, sending everything everywhere, mostly to the floor
B: all personal belongings were put in blender andit was set on maximum spread

This week, Thomas and Marcus did a little painting. On Friday, Lois got a coumadin level check and Father picked up a new Lutheran Hospital map with the parking garage and two buildins that Lois will visit during surgery and rehab. After that, Thomas, Lois, and Marcus ate a lunch at Cracker Barrel, which was noisy enough to deafen the deaf. Conversation wasn't really possible.

Unstated to anyone, Marcus took a look around and saw, what looked like a partially filled soda bottle on a table. The bussers (table cleaners) didn't attempt to move it. I thought this gross, until ... 20 minutes later, I noticed one on another table. "Think rabbit ... think!" They were, instead, snapple-shaped bottles that contained syrup for breakfast meals. I'm scho schtupid!

Thomas and Lois got threee plates of food each. They didn't eat it all. Had the meat been not as dry, surely they would have had a better meal. They each disliked the grits and the sausage gravy. I ate fish, some of which was fried in oil with fried chicken, giving it that chicken flavor -- yuck! It wasn't all bad.

After the vehicle exchange on Saturday, the three went to an Italian restaurant, Casa Grill. The service was slow, the table uncleaned in a spot, which I didn't mention to anyone. Father got their signature salad -- large bowl that he couldn't finish (bottomless?) Mother got a hoagie fillet of sole sandwhich that she didn't finish that came with side pasta. Marcus finished all of his lunch at 2:30 (very late lunch) as he didn't eat breakfast.

After that, Lois plummeted into Stephen King's Misery, in that her captor "pain" delivered well her doses of pain -- back aching to the point of near tears. Her dialogue with the pain sounded mantra-like or hail Marys. Unable to sleep but spots, she failed to make it to church again. Father, sleeping only a bit better had to attend as he was head usher.

Marcus read through more, this time completely, worthless job postings. Tripling the number of postings today wasn't a good trade for quality. Quantity only helps at particular times.

Jessica is to come to mow father's lawn, but we'll find out if that happens. It being only the three of them at the house this weekend -- I would guess that they'd go to see a movie together, their family enjoyment. In contrast, Thomas, Lois, and Marcus played cards with mixed results. Father typically lost, especially when playing King's Corner. Playing 7up (card game), he fared better.

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