Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Lois did something wonderful today, she stood up on her own with a lot of pain. She hadn't the strength a while ago, but now she does. She was delighted to know that she could shower, just not soak her incissions. She was going to shower with the help of Gaylene (PCA also secetary), opted for sponge bath. She hadn't had a real bath since admitting. She feels human again!

One of the doctors from the orthopedic group stopped by and later the cardiologist, both of whom felt she would likely leave hospital in two days for rehab hospital. That was more good news. Still, further, her heart arhythmmia might be controlled by coumadin, so she might not have any further procedures for that. The other option might have been for paddles to jump-start her heart into correct rhyme.

It was good she was moved only when she was, as regular rooms weren't available last week, for whatever reason. There is just good news after good news.

I understand that Uncle Karl will undergo hand surgery soon, a fairly quick surgery, and that Aunt Dorothy who has untreatable shingles will either respond to new pain meds or undergo surgery to eliminate the pain. I hope that the meds work.

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