Monday, September 04, 2006

Being fed

Lois can feed herself, but here, Thomas is feeding her some breakfast. She got a little pissy and ordered little for breakfast. She was better later on because the physical therapist fixed the Continuous Passive Motion (PCM) machine. This bends her legs up and down, like walking or pedaling. It ensures that through progress, that she gets to a full range of around 120 degrees of full bending. She has had some difficulty before, but when she's grumpy -- no one can well talk with her.

She was good around 11:45, but quickly fell asleep. She has good care, but the pharmacy is late in getting drugs always. They were every time I've been there with family and self. Lois has a host of meds that she can and does take for pain. Virtually, all of it can sedate her and help her complete her physical therapy. The lack of a mabel is a problem still -- 24 hours after seeking one, still no mabel (bedside toilet).

Her heart, according to father, looks as good as it has in hospital this trip. Let's hope that whatever the heart doctors are going to do, they do it, and she can move on to the next place -- physical rehab.

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