Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Monday & Tuesday ceiling and priming

Jessica was retiring for the night -- somewhat. Behind her is another section primed this afternoon. Jessica volunteered to help and wanted the "largest section". She did the "blue room". Lilly is always a "big" help. She bears a white line on her side.
Jessica was a help today, so thank you Jessica!
She also got a section near the steps that I had missed entirely.
These are very thin slats (lattice) that will hide seams in the office.
This is part of the office. The ceiling tiles were quite heavy to support single-handed. Diane held it and I fought with the screws to get it into place. Yeah! I cursed the times the screws fought me and won.
We left the one tile drooping. There is a problem that jim will resolve. We don't want to put a screw in the water line, so Jim can find it.
There is another section, which requires the removal of the light in order to install the ceiling. We didn't take the time to do this tonight.
When cutting the tiles at night last night, I accidentally sliced through the table. Thankfully it can be helped and fixed, albeit with an ugly hint, wood glue.
These are ceiling tiles that are roughly dense cardboard like the old clipboards. They are not too heavy, until you have to support them over your head.

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