Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I emptied the garage to gain access to the door

The door was broken in the center by a bonehead. It had to be patched, well, it wasn't replaced right away and was kind of forgotten. Jim sprayed in foam to ensure no heat leaking out. It was air tight. The wood there also prevented any would-be burglar from choosing that route.

It took me 20 minutes to chisel away the foam. To completely free the door, Diane had to turn the lock open and I beat the other side with a hammer. It eventually came free.

This is a rare sight, for Diane doesn't usually get trash service.
The trash service came, but whined that the bags were too heavy to move.
Diane and I re-bagged them, but they still didn't come and didn't drop off the bin for trash use.
This used to have a lot of toys along the wall. Well, I moved them to make way for a few other movements -- it spilled into the front lawn.
Diane sorted through toys.
Some went to storage for later garage sale.
Some were pitched into the trash.
Some were saved. There were no fewer than 12 basketballs. Wasteful.

Diane also had to weed through old school papers to find out which were confidential that needed burnt and those that were to be recycled and those that needed back to school. Lilly got several new chew toys.
I still don't know if it was a good or bad idea.

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