Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"15 minutes could ..."

Fifteen minutes could save you money on your car insurance or if you are shopping at an expensive grocery store, it could cost you $96.00. That's right! Lois went to Fresh Market and was able to cart stuff equaling $96.00 in fifteen minutes. If you think regular shopping is pricey, try a more organic approach and shop at "The Price Just Ain't Right" store like Fresh Market. I know that Marsh is also expensive.

Marcus and Lois went to pick up Jessica from Driver's Ed and needed a stop between her coumadin clinic time of 2:00 - 2:20 to 3:30. They opted for a shopping center. Marcus checked out prices on office supplies for work and Lois spent cash. Yikes! Imagine what another fifteen minutes would have netted. I think I know where my extra cash could be invested ... overpriced stores like that!

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