Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Making a date

For cards, anyway, it was a bit of a chore. Write the date, have it pass in congress, but it was re-written. It was passed onto Senate, but that wasn't any good. Much like, "I'm just bill; just a lonely old bill and I'm sittin' here on Capital Hill..." Lois negotiated for a date for cards with friends. Finally, with other commitments, March was elected and it's the day before St. Patrick's Day ... 16th.

For those out of the loop, the frinds play girls vs boys. In the games that I know, the boys have lost 19 out of 20 times. The boys claim, "cheating, talking, stacking the deck" or other nonsense to explain the dismal record. That might be, but 1 : 20 is a bad ratio.

Maybe the boys will use email to make plans and strategies to win this time ... or some time, so that they aren't famous for failure.

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