Monday, November 06, 2006

Going "Blech, cough ... hack, blech" in the night!

Thomas and Lois are still battling colds, though different ones. Thomas refuses to go to doctor -- God forbid they find the sinus infection and give him medicine for it ... that would be terrible. I don't know why.

Lois had a good deal of walking today, to Coumadin clinic, now at 2.0, which is about where they want it, Walgreens, Scotts Grocery (lots of walking), then later in the afternoon -- Freygang's to let out their dog, Angel. Angel was very happy to have compnay.

At one point in time, Lois and Angel were sitting on the playground equipment, shoulder to shoulder like two school buddies.

Lois is still potentially pukey and Thomas is still fighting both the cold and doing anything about it. He has taken 90 some pills for almost naught. This includes OTR cold medicines. To calculate cough drops I would need my computer. In all, he sounds worse.

Lois is in better spirits, but I think she felt good for the first time in such a long while, she might have overdone it.

In a somewhat related story, a restaurant had about 50 patrons complain of stomach issues. The Health Department is investigating now. It is notable because a restaurant in the same plaza this summer had a hepatitis A scare from an employee who handled food, who had Hep A. For those not in the know, Hep A isn't nearly as serious as Hep B or C. Hep C, of course, generally is found in those with AIDS.

None of us have eaten there in a while, so no worries.

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