Saturday, October 07, 2006


On Thursday, Lois got a chance to ride the lifecycle (standing bicycle with fan instead of front wheel. She liked it substantially better than the other bike that required you to push up and down, not moving legs in cycles and circles like the lifecycle. All other cycles work like the latter. They are measuring her ability to bend her knees (in angles) and they were hoping that she would get to 120 degrees. As of Thursday, she had 124 on one leg and 123 on the other. Well, what do you know about that?!

She is often seen walking without her walker and is getting faster on the steps -- perhaps the most difficult thing to do after knee surgery, apart from jumping. Somehow, I don't think Lois will be doing jumprope anytime soon out of choice, rather than pain. Lois is in good spirits.

Thomas has missed a great deal of golf, poor him. I hope that he gets in a bit before the end of the seasons+. He is suffereing a bit from seasonal allergies, but is doing okay. He's still taken aback by Paul's unpredicted demise.

The TV failed in a peculiar way -- it wouldn't turn off when you pushed the power. One would naturally assume it was a remote control problem, but ... even the TV panel gave the same result. The only sure way to turn off the TV was to unplug it. The folks often just clicked off the powerstrip to which it was attached. Sometimes they would forget to click it back into place.

Anyway, the repairman came out and pull a resistor that burst a bit, like it exploded. After this part was replaced, it plays fine. Not too bad for an old, old set. The repairman lives in the neighborhood, so wasn't too far away. He chateed to me quite a bit on number theory and vector analysis regarding periodic cycles and reapeating numbers in the lottery games. He has yet to win, but sees patterns in the randomness. I am not convinced to play anymore, as I never got a big payout and I had a win-loss ratio of 36-64. I got to retain 36 cents out of every dollar, while the state got 64 cents. With that, I could never win. The repairman said that my ratio was actually high (better for me) than most persons.

Everyone here is okay, not dynamite or filled with superpowers and super abilities, but we're okay. I hope that we can enjoy the autumn colors soon and thankfully not from a hospital room. I was hoping that everyone would keep to the pact and stay well this year, but no one did.

+ different dates for different courses

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