Friday, March 27, 2009

dead round

The front tree makes lots of shade and so too -- the grass dies. Thomas bought about twenty-four bags of soil using Marcus as pack mule. The grass seed might start growing in a week or so.


Lois went to Red Hat Ladies meeting and she wore this to go. They went to the Firefighter's Museum then to the genealogy department at the library.

Friday, March 20, 2009

remember when

This one makes me cry

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

singles shingles

Cripes! I suppose since no one else will post on this, I will.

Lois injured her wrist last Tuesday. She had it X-Rayed and they found nothing. She is going in for more tests on other areas tomorrow. She is taking physical therapy for her hip. Other than that ... she is OK, all things considered.

Thomas has had good reports from the doctor regarding his PSA as it is lowering. He has been able to golf this year at the dome. The courses are still muddy, yucky, unprepared.

Debbie made it back fine from the doctor's with her surgery!

Marcus has tried to help family and friends with little issues. Diane has her share of dumb things happening to her.

A family member was diagnosed with shingles.

I wish that family member very well and a speedy recovery.

Father and I got home and found that there was a possible shingle loose on the roof. Yep, fudge and darn. I will replace that on a solidly dry day.

I helped Thomas get the mower ready for summer.

That kids, is the end of this story.

Monday, March 09, 2009


Diane has a small issue. It happens to be a mouse. Maybe, just maybe, it will be caught or leave on its own accord. I suggested a cat, Jessica relished the idea of a kitten. Lilly may not agree.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

auf Debbie, health through family from God

Thank you for all the extra prayers and warm well wishes. My surgery on Friday went very well. As always the plea for prayers for Tony and the family as they help me recover. My sister-in-law, sister, and both mothers have been coordinating efforts this weekend and have organized food and groceries for most of the month.

Ana will be home for some of her spring break also.
I will behave and not lift or work or overdo... pinky swear with Megan!

Dave, Jon, Meg and Tony have been angels for months now. I hope soon to be productive and not a burden.

May Christ Bless you this Lent Season as we prepare for Easter.
With Love,
deb o

Friday, March 06, 2009


Debbie's surgery went fine and this morning I got a call that she was in her recovery room. Yea! God works in great ways and it feels better when it appears God is making miracles for us, personally.

I am so happy! I also hope that she gets the heck out of there soon and also that she "OBEYS the doctor's directions on limited movement, lifting, etc.".

I love you Debbie!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I need to type more but will quickly post this

Good luck to Debbie on her surgery. While the above does not depict gambling, nor shall I believe there is a gamble on her safe recovery. God grant your will with Debbie, please.