Tuesday, August 07, 2007

pale resistance

Lois is fighting moving or rather the thought of moving. She hates, "the whole Christmas season"+ She doesn't like leaving the homestead, the 30 some year home to which she has grown accustomed. The worst is yet to come with holidays. Imagine, a new Christmas in a new home. Not really a bummer, but radically different. Heck, it could be better and still you yearn for what was. Thomas and Lois are piecemeal getting their stuff to storage in the thought of moving.

The plink plink piano is next up ... Thursday contractually moved to Debbie's. Now, if she remembers, the 70s classic "If" that she liked to play. It is dreadfully out of tune.

+ "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

1 comment:

sunsearcher said...

I will quote Tony when we were trying to console one of the children on one of our moves. "People are not trees, we do the moving." I remember our first year in this house and in our other houses. The first year is hard. Somehow you know you should be excited and overjoyed at the newplace , yet something is unsettling. I finally figuired out is because the house is empty of memories. It is a blank slate waiting to be decorated with the images of our personalities, our families, our entertaining, our pictures hanging to remind us of familiarity of houses once lived.
It is a scary thought to move and meloncholy, yet it is exciting to think of adding to your memory books.